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网络安全硕士薪水:什么工作 & 你期望的薪水是多少??

想象一下你的职业生涯 70万个空缺职位 that’s essential to national security, healthcare and the financial system. 现在想象一下,它支付六位数的薪水.

听起来很诱人? 网络安全可能适合你. 这个领域的工作是保护个人, 组织和政府免受黑客的破坏性影响, 网络攻击和网络战, 它正以几乎无与伦比的速度增长. 美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that by 2031 the demand for cybersecurity professionals will have 增长了35%使其成为该国最受欢迎的领域之一. 

那么如何开始呢? One way to enter the field—and help open the door to highly-paid roles—is by earning a master’s degree in cybersecurity. 


众所周知,网络安全的薪水是丰厚的, 拥有网络安全硕士学位, 薪水甚至可能高于平均水平. 2022年1月到10月, the median advertised salary for cybersecurity (also known as information security) professionals with a master’s degree was $110,000, 根据Lightcast, 一家领先的劳动力分析公司. 这个工资中位数涵盖了该领域的一系列工作, meaning that you don’t necessarily need to be in a leadership position to earn six figures. 

根据Lightcast, roles and advertised salaries for cybersecurity roles requiring master’s degrees in 2022 include:


网络安全 architects create and maintain an organization’s security infrastructure, 政策和程序. 这个角色承担着重要的责任, including deciding which security practices the organization must follow, 确保它们到位并及时更新, and overseeing tests of the system to check that the organization’s security scaffolding is working to keep networks and data safe. 

  • 广告工资中位数:155,500美元


网络安全 managers manage teams of cybersecurity analysts who work together to protect an organization from digital threats. That includes monitoring the flow of data in and out of their organization’s networks, identifying vulnerabilities and managing tasks like penetration testing, 加密和防火墙实现. They also stay on top of emerging vulnerabilities and work to make sure their organizations are not at risk.

  • 广告工资中位数:15.14万美元


选择硕士项目最重要的是什么? 比较特点、好处和成本,找到适合你的学校.



网络安全 engineers do the technical development work necessary to build secure networks. 除了开发和维护技术安全系统, 他们测试和评估系统以识别风险区域. They also create solutions to manage those risks and to defend against hackers, 勒索软件攻击等等.

  • 广告工资中位数:112,600美元


The duties of an information security analyst often overlap with cybersecurity managers and engineers. 其中包括开发安全程序, keeping an eye out for new threats and vulnerabilities and installing security software and firewalls to protect the organization. 在很多公司, 信息安全分析师还承担着教学角色, working across the organization to educate employees about safe cyber practices and developing company policies for technology use and data handling. 

  • 广告工资中位数:109,500美元


Network engineers design, build and maintain computer networks for organizations. 这包括硬件方面的工作, 例如管理vpn和路由器等网络设备, as well as software maintenance like installing upgrades and security packages. These professionals are often called in when issues arrive to troubleshoot solutions that keep the organization’s systems running smoothly. 

  • 广告工资中位数:115,600美元


Penetration testers step inside the mind of a cybercriminal and simulate cyberattacks and security breaches to test an organization’s strengths and weaknesses. They turn their findings into reports on risk areas and help organizations develop plans for mitigating those vulnerabilities.

  • 广告工资中位数:128,300美元


IT审计员对公司的系统进行审查, 政策和程序, 采用高级视图以发现问题区域. 他们收集和审查有关信息系统和治理的数据, 数据存储, 安全程序等, and ensure that the company is complying with regulations around IT practices like 数据存储 and protection. 

  • 广告工资中位数:91,100美元


Earning a master’s degree in cybersecurity undoubtedly requires a commitment of time and energy and is not a decision to be taken lightly. 然而,对于许多毕业生来说,回报既快又明显. 

Unlike many certification programs, a master’s degree in cybersecurity will never expire. It provides the broad base of knowledge and theory that professionals need to succeed in a field that’s constantly changing. 

“A master’s degree is essential for building soft skills such as communication, 团队玩, 批判性思维, 跳出思维定势, 解决问题, 敌对的思想, 详细的报告和文件, 向非技术观众展示复杂的主题, 注重细节和创造力,博士说。. 比尔吉·卡拉巴克,十大正规赌博平台大全排行的M.S. 在网络安全. “这些都是网络安全工作必不可少的软技能.”


If you’re looking for a career that benefits people around the world and offers highly competitive compensation, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的网络安全硕士学位可能是你的下一步.

Franklin's master’s degree is delivered 100% online and can be completed in as few as 16 months, 这意味着你可以更快地开始你的职业生涯. 因为它是为专业的成年人设计的, you don’t need to sacrifice your personal or professional responsibilities to prepare for a more lucrative and rewarding future.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行, you’ll learn from expert practitioners in the field by using industry-standard tools and solving real-world problems. 通过理论与实际知识的结合, you’ll develop both the insights and the technical skills necessary to excel as a cybersecurity practitioner. 

你有兴趣探索网络安全方面的职业吗? 了解更多关于 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的硕士学位课程.

Discover 10 of the most in-demand master's degrees based on salary and job growth.