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Major crimes like espionage, 盗窃, blackmail and fraud used to be perpetrated by people on the ground in companies and 政府 around the world. 现在,所有这些罪行甚至更多的罪行都可以坐在电脑屏幕后面犯下. 

网络犯罪是全球企业和政府的新战场. 据《十大正规赌博平台大全排行》报道,大多数犯罪都是出于金钱的动机, 预计到2021年,网络犯罪将给全球造成6万亿美元的损失. 

随着网络犯罪的流行和造成的损害迅速增长, so does the demand for cybersecurity specialists. 但是你真的需要硕士学位才能在这个行业出人头地吗.


Job projections for cybersecurity are staggering. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that careers in the cybersecurity field will grow by 32% by 2028. 这使得网络安全成为美国十大增长最快的工作之一.

“网络安全是几乎每个行业都需要的领域,托德·惠特克说,  Department Chair of Computer and Information Sciences and 程序 Chair of the Master’s Degree in 网络安全 at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行, “Because cybercrime has a real impact on finances, brand reputation and trust, and everyday people’s lives, corporations large and small, 政府, and academic institutions—they’re all looking for cybersecurity experts to keep up with the rapid change and sophistication of cybercrime.” 

In the United States alone, 到2024年,信息安全分析师的工作岗位预计将增长15%.

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不仅需求在增长,供需之间的差距也在扩大. 网络安全 Ventures 综合了几十个来自媒体的就业数据, 分析师, 招聘网站, 供应商, 政府, and organizations globally to predict there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity positions by 2021.

A bachelor's degree and experience is a great start. 但, a master's degree in cybersecurity can really set you ahead by leveling up your skills and opening up new opportunities.


What matters most when choosing a master’s program? 比较特点、好处和成本,找到适合你的学校.


5 Reasons a Master’s in 网络安全 is Worth It

攻读硕士学位是一项在时间、精力和财力上的巨大投资. 但如果你决心完成你的网络安全硕士学位, 它会对你的职业生涯产生非常积极的影响. 


  1. A master’s degree teaches you cutting-edge skills. 网络安全 is a constantly changing field. If you’ve been in this profession for a while or don’t currently specialize in cybersecurity, a master’s program can refresh your technical skillset while improving your critical thinking, problem-solving and management skills.
  2. A master’s degree makes it easier to change careers. Take advantage of growth opportunities and job stability by transitioning to a career in cybersecurity. If you’re working in computer science or a related technology field but don’t specialize in cybersecurity, 硕士学位是证明你的专业知识并在该领域找到工作的好方法. 
  3. 硕士学位打开了晋升机会的大门. Employers are looking for highly-qualified professionals to lead their cybersecurity efforts. Whether you want to work for a large corporation, 独立的咨询机构或政府高层, a master’s degree can be key to setting yourself apart and advancing to management and executive positions.
  4. A master’s degree increases your salary expectations. 而网络安全职位的薪酬中位数总体较高, with information security 分析师 earning $98,每年350英镑. With a master’s degree, 你是在为领导的机会做准备, 在哪里,排名前10%的网络安全专业人员年薪156美元,583 /年.
  5. A master’s degree is a lifelong credential. 硕士学位表明了你对职业的奉献精神,并提高了你的技能. It’s a tangible way to show your expertise to employers and an investment that continues to pay off throughout your career.

Master’s Degree in 网络安全 vs. Certifications: Understanding the Value of Each

Another consideration when pursuing cybersecurity credentials is professional certifications. 许多专业人士都想知道他们是否应该攻读硕士学位, a professional certification, or some combination of the two. Here is a high-level explanation of the benefits and/or drawbacks of each type of credential.

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Certifications are generally good for people with little practical experience because they are known quantities in the industry and can help you get your foot in the door. They set a minimum knowledge bar. 但有些证书比其他证书更受欢迎. 招聘经理更看重有续期要求的证书, 但从长远来看,由于需要继续教育,他们的成本也更高. 

Certifications are also good for showing in-depth expertise in a specialization within cybersecurity. Depending on your career goals, 拥有硕士学位可能是有利的——它显示了你知识的广度, critical thinking and leadership skills—and a certificate—which shows specific skill competency. 


  • 认证资讯系统保安专业人员(CISSP): To become CISSP certified you have to have at least 5 years of on-the-job experience in cybersecurity, making this an elite professional certification. 获得CISSP证书证明你拥有有效设计的技能, 实施和管理一流的网络安全计划.
  • Certified Information Security Manager (CISM): This is a management-focused cybersecurity certification that promotes international security best practices and recognizes people who manage, 设计, oversee and assess a company’s information security.  
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH): Learn to think and hack like a cybercriminal. 然后, use your skills for good to help identify and fortify security weaknesses to protect your company’s or clients’ information. 


Growth in the cybersecurity field not only increases the number of opportunities but also the variety. A master’s degree gives you the most flexibility when it comes to choosing a cybersecurity career path, showcasing your ability to master both the technical and interpersonal sophistication required at senior, management and executive levels.

Here are five different career paths that are well-suited to master’s education in cybersecurity.

  • Chief Information Security Officer (CISO): This c-suite management position selects, oversees and provides leadership for any initiatives that concern the overall security of an organization. IT专业的MBA曾经是首席信息安全官的首选, 但要有网络安全专业的硕士学位, these professionals are able to get an advanced degree that is tailored to their careers.
  • Senior-Level Penetration Tester: 渗透测试人员或道德黑客利用计算机系统中的漏洞. 而入门级的渗透测试人员可能没有专门的学位, 对中级专业人员的工作需求正在增加, 要求至少拥有网络安全学士学位,最好是硕士学位.
  • 安全顾问: This role 设计s and implements the best security solutions based on an individual organization’s needs. From talking to stakeholders and developing budgets to supervising teams and conducting security tests, this role is ideal for someone with a master’s in cybersecurity who has honed both their technical and interpersonal skills.
  • 安全工程师: Identifies IT threats and software vulnerabilities, builds and tests security systems and serves as the point person on security policies and procedures. Because of the highly technical nature of this role, companies look for a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity and favor candidates with a master’s degree in cybersecurity for advancement. 
  • 安全架构师: These senior-level employees 设计, build and oversee the implementation of network and computer security for an organization. 你还要负责提供技术指导, assessing costs and risks, and establishing security policies and procedures. The balance of technical and managerial responsibilities of security architects make a master’s in cybersecurity the ideal education to prepare you for this role.


日益增长的需求, 工作保障, and high salaries all make a career in cybersecurity a promising option for technology professionals. Getting a master’s degree in cybersecurity can set you apart from other IT professionals who don’t have specialized credentials. 

If you’re a working professional who wants to advance—without taking time away from your career—十大正规赌博平台大全排行网络安全硕士学位 提供灵活的, 在线, 以及由网络安全专家设计和教授的实践课程. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 is also the only private, nonprofit university in 俄亥俄州 with any program 设计ated by the NSA for excellence in cybersecurity education. Explore Franklin’s cybersecurity master’s program to see how it can set you up for career success.

Top 10 硕士学位s