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Nothing beats having a career you’re passionate about that also lets you make a difference for your organization and its people. 这就是教学设计.

This incredibly dynamic and in-demand career offers opportunities across a wide variety of industries and various workplace settings. 事实上, 劳动力市场分析公司Lightcast表示, master’s and doctoral degree completions for the field grew by 7% from 2017 to 2021.

而且,根据美国的报告.S. 劳工统计局(美国劳工统计局) the job outlook for those with an instructional design degree is on the rise, 太, with a 7% growth rate projected for instructional coordinators by 2031 and an 8% growth rate for training and development managers for the same time period.

Perhaps most importantly, learning and development is a booming industry. 任何需要培训的地方都需要教学设计师. 一位职场人士表示,世界各地的人都需要培训 学习和发展趋势报告 来自人力资源管理协会(SHRM). 事实上, 9 in 10 workers say they want workplace training on hard skills and 8 out of 10 desire training on soft skills.

So, 不管你是否有创造力, 教学型或分析型, 教学设计有大量的就业机会.

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A master’s- or doctorate in instructional design is a graduate-level degree designed to prepare you to analyze learning needs, 系统地设计学习体验和产品, 评估学习效果. 学习经验和产品可以包括在线课程, 操作手册, 模拟和视频学习. You may also see an instructional design degree referred to as an educational technology degree, 学习设计和技术学位, 或教学设计与技术学位.

简而言之, a degree in instructional design teaches people how to use learning theories and models to better design teaching curriculum and training so that learning is more effective,易阳说。, Ph.D., chair of the master’s and doctoral programs in 教学设计 for 十大正规赌博平台大全排行. “Immersive and effective educational experiences are crucial to equipping people and maximizing their effectiveness.”

Although an instructional design degree often appeals to educators, 对于那些在公司工作的人来说,这是一个很好的学位, 政府, 非营利组织和医疗保健设置, 太.

M.S. 教学设计 & 学习技术 degree program requires about 32 credit hours and can be completed in approximately 16 months. 或者你可以完成一个 Doctor of Professional Studies (DPS) -教学设计 Leadership degree, which requires 58 credit hours, in as few as three years.

教学设计学位 机构认可大学 会向你介绍教学设计的基础吗, 包括其理论和应用. It also will prepare you to use modern learning technologies to design high-quality, 一致的培训和明确的学习成果.

俗话说, ‘的ory without practice is empty and practice without theory is blind,’”博士说。. 杨, “so it’s critical to find a degree program that gives you both.”


根据Lightcast there are literally thousands of job opportunities that fall under these occupational categories:

  • 培训及发展经理
  • 培训和发展专家
  • 教学协调员

In 2023, these occupations had a median advertised salary of $70,000 annually. 除了, 在15个国家中,885个独特的招聘信息, 15%的公司打出了最高平均工资150美元的广告,000 to $400,1万美元一年.

Here are the top posted job titles for instructional design graduates:

  1. 指导设计师
  2. 培训专员
  3. 培训协调员
  4. 教练
  5. 学习专业
  6. 教育协调员
  7. 学习与发展专员
  8. 指导教练
  9. 培训经理
  10. 培训及发展专员


的 role of instructional designer dates back to the 1940s but only 太k on new prominence during the 2020-21 global pandemic.

“Many people were scrambling to put curriculum online during the COVID-19 crisis,” explains Dr. 杨, “but teaching in person is very different from teaching online. 当然,缺失的部分是面对面的教学. That’s why it's essential to have someone–an instructional designer–who knows how to make sure that every course has a clear structure and measurable learning outcomes.”

“在商界,人力资本就是一切,”他说. 杨. “Instructional designers do the work of preparing people for success. 在十大正规赌博平台大全排行的学位课程中,十大正规赌博平台大全排行的学生在各个领域工作. 以医疗保健为例, 护士需要学习程序, 医生需要学习道德考量, 客户服务需要接受与病人打交道的培训, 所有用户都需要接受有关新系统和新技术的培训. 但医疗行业并不是唯一需要的行业. 从微软到亚马逊,从大通到全国银行, just about any organization that provides training for its employees needs instructional design leaders.”

根据Lightcast, here are just a few of many types of organizations and industries looking for instructional designers right now:



  • 博思艾伦汉密尔顿
  • 德勤
  • 联邦快递
  • 善意
  • 国家安全局
  • 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司
  • 林肯金融集团
  • 联合健康集团
  • U.S. 退伍军人事务部
  • 基督教青年会


  • 学院、大学和职业学校
  • 小学和中学
  • 国家安全
  • 工程服务
  • 投资银行及证券
  • 保险代理和经纪公司
  • 管理咨询公司
  • 图书和软件出版商
  • 计算机系统设计服务
  • 医疗、外科和制药公司


作为一名教学设计师, 你的工作范围包括新员工的入职培训, 使绩效与组织的战略计划保持一致, 理想及使命, to creating a workable action plan to solve performance-related problems.

So, 无论你选择哪条职业道路, your instructional design degree can help you determine the best method of training to lead your organization and its workforce to the next level.

Ready to develop your instructional design expertise and launch an instructional design and technology career? 现在就开始探索你的学位选择.

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