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How long do you think it takes to earn a typical undergraduate degree? 4年? 也许5年? Astonishingly, only 56 percent of university students who begin a 学士学位 program finish within 6 years, according to a 最近的研究.

尽管大学入学人数在上升, most students do not earn their degree in the time they had planned to do so, 如果有的话. Many reasons may be to blame for this, including:

  • 人生的大改变, such as getting married, having children, or a spouse being laid off
  • 巨大的机遇, like a chance to intern or travel abroad while working on a degree
  • 偏好的转变, perhaps choosing an area of study that didn't feel right
  • 金融的变化, such as tuition increases or maybe losing a scholarship or aid

What these people don’t know is that it doesn’t have to be that way. 事实上, 大多数成年人——即使是那些忙碌的个人生活和职业生活都很活跃的人——可以在3年内完成传统的4年制学位. 但这需要一些努力和计划.

6 Keys to a 学士学位 in 3 Years

你可能会对回到学校,设定正确的节奏,并使其发挥作用感到紧张. Or maybe you're confident as aces and just need some advice on planning. 无论哪种方式,下面的列表将帮助你快速获得学士学位.

1. 制定一个实现目标的计划

Earning your bachelor's degree requires time and attention. 但请记住, 如果你之前修过学士学位的课程,或者你已经完成了副学士学位,你可以在更短的时间内完成学士学位. Some of those old credits are likely to transfer toward your new degree, allowing you to finish it in a shorter timeframe.

graphic describes timeframe and coursework to earn your bachelors degree

A false start can actually set you back. 所以最好提前计划.

  • Think of your responsibilities: work, home, family and personal
  • Be ready for coursework to become a priority
  • 弄清楚你将如何积极地挤出时间来进行定期的阅读, 研究, 写作和学习

There's no established timeline required for earning a bachelor's degree. 想要快速获得学位的学生可以在每学期或每季度承担更重的课程负担. 如果你需要一个更轻的工作量,你可以把你的课程分成更长的一段时间. 与学校的学术顾问交谈将帮助你为你的生活创造适当的平衡.

在规划过程中特别重要的是考虑你的职业目标. 有些学位似乎是一个显而易见的选择,但它真的是加速你职业生涯的最佳选择吗? 可能会有类似的程度, one with more specialization (or even less), 那可能更适合你的需要.

2. 为你的旧积分获得积分

获得学士学位的一个关键因素是确定你目前所处的位置. 与你的大学招生联系人建立良好的关系是一笔巨大的财富. If you've already earned an associate degree or part of a bachelor's degree, 你过去的课程可能会被应用. 当你被批准时 转移以前获得的学分,它节省你的时间和金钱. 选择一所不仅能最大限度地增加你转学学分的学校是很重要的, but also will also apply the credits to your specific program of interest. 这样,你将从学分转换中获益最多,并尽可能节省时间.

询问你的学校是否提供 特殊的程序 that may help streamline the path from an associate to a bachelor's. Some online assets such as the Franklin 转让信用等价物工具 能帮你确定你可以转多少以前的学分.

When it comes to paying for school, grants are among your best options. 但你知道怎么找到他们吗? Remove the guesswork by downloading this free guide.

3. 错开课程负担

Some coursework is available in semester format, where students generally take more than one subject at a time.

买大学的时候, consider one that offers flexible options for busy adults and professionals. 也许你的学校已经提供了适合你的不同选择或时间. 根据罗伯特·刘易斯, admissions advisor at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行, "Students who plan ahead can stagger their coursework.例如:, 如果课程每6周开始, students can start one course on June 1 and another on July 15, letting them stay more focused on each topic. “他们获得了保持正轨所需的学分,而且他们可以做到这一点,而不会感到不知所措."

提示: 考虑一下在线课程,它可以将你完成课程的时间减少30%左右. 如果你更喜欢面对面的学习, ask your school about hybrid coursework, which offers both classroom work and online efforts. 选择最适合你的训练可以帮助你在一个有助于你成长的节奏和环境中完成工作.

4. 利用经验进行课程外测试


You can do it by using the testing companies, CLEP (美国大学理事会大学水平考试计划)和DSST (DANTES学科标准化考试). 他们提供几十个科目的考试, 比如财务会计, 企业管理, 以及入门心理学. 当你经过, 你已经证明了你对这个主题很精通,并且你已经赢得了获得相关大学学分的权利. 考试费用约为100美元, but passing could save you much more in terms of tuition and time.

You should also look for other opportunities beyond DSST and CLEP. 例如, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行有一个项目,允许学生提交他们所做的工作的作品集,这样他们就可以证明他们对某一学科的熟练程度.

实际例子:一个学生的学士学位可能要求他上税法课程,但他已经很精通了,因为这是他过去5年工作的一部分. The student will make a submission package to the dean, 谁会考虑他的经验是否表明他的能力值得授予他适当的学时.

提示: Not all colleges and universities accept CLEP or DSST, 所以,在支付考试费用或参加考试之前,一定要和你的学术顾问谈谈.

5. 管理好你的资金

Money is the biggest reason people leave or delay college, according to a 最近的研究 根据条例草案 & 梅琳达·盖茨基金会. 大多数成年人一边上学一边做全职或兼职工作来养活自己, 他们的工作需求有时会变得过于强烈,以至于无法维持工作-学校的时间表.

graphic describes bachelors degree roadblocks

Nobody wants to run out of finances 当 they're only halfway to the goal. 现在就计划好让大学变得更容易负担,这将增加你按时毕业的可能性. Consider all of the ways to plan ahead for the funding you'll need:

  • 个人储蓄
  • 收入
  • 奖学金
  • 奖助金
  • 金融援助
  • 学生贷款

Understand the long-term repercussions of each source of funding, 知道, 当, 以及你将如何回报.

6. 寻找加速学位的选择

An accelerated-degree program is a way to speed up your efforts. Whereas a traditional program has a certain pace and curricula, 加速课程的设计简化了工作,使学生能够在更快的时间内获得学位. 可能会有特殊的入学要求,以证明学生已经准备好接受严格的课程. 每门课程的学分数可能与常规课程中的其他课程不同.

速成学位最常出现在商业、护理、法律和医学领域. 这些加速的教育机会对于那些想要学习并回到现实世界的人来说是无价的


当你开始学习的时候, 理解并应用这6条建议将帮助你获得更大的信心,重返大学继续深造. With the right effort and planning on your part, you just might turn a 学士学位 into a not-so-long-term commitment.

Where to Find Free Money to go Back to School
Learn how to get grants to cut college costs.