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Earning a bachelor’s degree is a big decision requiring a significant investment of time and money. 如果你正在决定是否继续大学教育, you probably already know that a degree can set you up to earn more – but you may not know about the other ways it can improve your life. 

Dr. Kody Kuehnl, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行艺术学院院长, 科学技术和STEM项目主任, 分享学士学位的八个潜在好处, 其中一些可能会让你大吃一惊. 

1. 更多工作机会

“对于大多数职业道路来说, the bachelor’s degree still represents the ticket or pass to get into the game or ride the ride,库恩尔说. 

在许多领域,学士学位是进入的必要条件. 根据领先的劳动力市场分析公司Lightcast的数据,这一数字为40.2023年1月,7%的招聘职位要求至少拥有学士学位. 

即使是那些不需要学位的职位, 雇主们可能仍然强烈倾向于雇佣持有驾照的人. 毕竟, 当雇主每个职位都收到很多申请者时, it’s easy to narrow down the candidate pool using qualifications like education. 这意味着在许多行业, a degree can give you a better chance of being considered for your dream role. 

说到支付学费,助学金是你最好的选择之一. 但你知道怎么找到他们吗? 通过下载这个免费指南来消除猜测


2. 更高的收入潜力

In 2022, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that among full-time workers over 25, 学士学位持有者的平均工资为1美元,每周432美元, compared to $853 a week for professionals with a high school diploma and no college experience. 

因为学士学位打开了通往许多高薪职业的大门, 比如计算机科学和医疗保健职位, 他们通常会提供更多的机会进入更高收入的职位.

3. 培养符合市场需求的技能

有些学位不一定能直接找到工作, 这是一些人怀疑大学价值的原因之一吗. 然而, that issue can be avoided entirely by seeking out schools and degree programs that focus on preparing students for rewarding careers. 

Many bachelor’s programs are created with specific industries and career paths in mind, 这意味着学生毕业时掌握了有价值和急需的技能. 例如, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行’s 30+ bachelor’s degree programs all offer both the curricula and the personalized career support students need to achieve their professional goals. 

学士学位课程还将帮助你培养急需的“软技能”,,喜欢沟通和团队合作, that can help you stand out in the application process and thrive once you’ve landed a role. 

4. 建立一个强大的网络

“College campuses are thought incubators which enable great interactions with peers, faculty/staff and other professionals in the field that you are hoping to enter,库恩尔说. 

Some of that networking takes place through class discussions (in-person or online) and opportunities like conferences and workshops designed for current students. Most colleges also have an alumni network that you can tap into to get advice on different career paths or even to make connections that could lead to a job. If you attend a college like 十大正规赌博平台大全排行 where most faculty are actively working in their fields of expertise, 你的教授也可以是建议和机会的重要来源. 

5. 打开通往高等学位的大门

Plenty of fulfilling, lucrative careers are available to professionals with only bachelor’s degrees. 然而, if you choose to pursue advanced study in your field or earn a professional degree like an MBA or a JD, 你需要持有学士学位. 即使你目前没有任何这样做的计划, keeping the option open puts you in a better position to pivot should industry requirements, 期望或你的个人目标改变了. 例如, 如果你在你的领域上升到管理角色, you may find that an MBA would open doors to lucrative leadership positions or consulting opportunities. In this situation, your path forward will be much simpler if you already hold a bachelor’s degree. 

6. 扩展你的世界观和视角

除了特定领域的课程, most bachelor’s degrees require that students complete a number of general education credits. Even those courses that don’t seem at first glance to be specifically linked to your future industry might change how you see the world. 

“学习社会科学和行为科学课程, 艺术和人文学科为十大正规赌博平台大全排行提供了新的思考和做事方式, 这是具有变革性的,库恩尔说. “They help us push back the boundaries of our own ignorance and can stimulate a deeper understanding of the world in which we live. 在我看来, the value of this personal and intellectual development rivals the value of the degree itself.”

7. 获得终身访问大学资源和教师

许多机构为校友提供图书馆服务, 研究实验室, 技术资源, internships and alumni networks – all of which can help you break into a new field or accelerate your career. 有些学校甚至在你毕业后也会提供重要的职业支持. 

“在十大正规赌博平台大全排行, 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的校友可以进入十大正规赌博平台大全排行的职业发展中心, 哪些可以继续提供指导, career counseling and resources to prepare you for your next big opportunity,库恩解释道. 这些资源包括指导, 简历审查, exclusive job fairs and networking opportunities for both students and alumni. 

8. 建立并展示个人适应力

对许多雇主来说, a college degree doesn’t just represent subject-matter expertise - it shows that you had the discipline to stick with a degree program, 即使在困难的时候. 

This is especially true of the many adult learners who earn their degrees at Franklin, said Kuehnl. “获得学士学位需要奉献精神, 的决心, 弹性, 毅力和我个人最喜欢的——毅力. There is a lot to balance and going through the process is a lot like metal going through the forging process – there is a lot of pressure, 热和不适, 但从另一面出来的东西是强大而有弹性的.”


十大正规赌博平台大全排行’s programs are primarily offered online and asynchronously, 使学士学位更容易获得和负担得起. Whether you’re starting a bachelor’s degree for the first time or returning to college after many years, 你会很适合十大正规赌博平台大全排行多元化和热情的学生群体. 

Choose from a variety of programs targeted to your interests and receive hands-on support from instructors who are experts in their fields. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行的课程优先考虑市场, 可用的工作技能, and the university’s career services extend after graduation to ensure you have the resources and help to make the most of your degree.

看看十大正规赌博平台大全排行的学位怎么能 改变你的生活
