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有很多方法可以发展你的护理事业. Experience and certifications are valued and important but they will only take you so far. If you want to move up the career ladder or expand your opportunities for patient care, you’ll need to increase your education and build your degree portfolio.

As an RN (registered nurse) that means either pursuing a Bachelor of Science 在护理 (BSN) or a Master of Science 在护理 (MSN). 哪条路是正确的? 这取决于你想在职业生涯中做什么.

This article will look at both RN-to-BSN and RN-to-MSN degree tracks and consider the pros (and cons) of each.


据詹妮弗·凡·温克尔说, DNP候选人, MSN, ACNP-BC, FNP-BC and chair of the Family Nurse Practitioner and MSN-Nurse Generalist and Nurse Administrator programs at 十大正规赌博平台大全排行, there are many factors for nurses to consider when choosing a BSN or MSN.

"的 RN-BSN and RN-MSN degree options allow students to build upon an associate degree or nursing diploma. 获得B的决定.S. 在护理 (BSN) on the way to an MSN depends on each person’s unique situation and ultimate career goals,她说. "While the MSN is the necessary credential for teaching or leadership positions, students may need the BSN to obtain an initial nursing position while working toward the next level.”

的 choice an RN makes as to whether to pursue a BSN or an MSN comes down to where they want to take their career. 例如, if they want to be in clinical work long term, a BSN may be ideal. But if they aspire to grow into leadership and 管理rial roles, an MSN may be ideal. 


获得一个免费的指导来帮助你提升你的职业生涯, featuring helpful advice and thoughtful insights from nursing experts.



的 average annual salary of an RN who has earned a BSN is about $82,000. Nurses with this degree working in government positions are some of the highest earners with annual salaries over $85,000.

的 average annual salary of an RN with an MSN is $92,000 according to the U.S. 劳工统计局. 因为他们有能力专注于一个实践领域, 许多拥有MSN的注册会计师收入超过100美元,每年000. One example are nurse administrators who have an average annual salary of $130,000.


On average, an RN-to-BSN program can be completed in under 12 months. 的 
MSN轨道将花费更长的时间. 凡·温克尔说:“学位的时间框架 
completion depends on the specific degree program and previous experience. 

Non-clinical MSN degree paths at Franklin can be completed in 16-18 months. 
Most clinical degree plans, like the MSN-FNP, take about 2 years to complete. A 
post-master's degree or certificate can be completed in shorter time frames, as 
some of the coursework completed during the first master's degree can be 


When earning a BSN, you will pick up a number of new skills including:

  • 护理领导与管理: 学习战略规划领域的关键领导技能, 质量改进, 病人安全和改变理论.
  • 健康评估和促进: Health promotion will be tied to prevention knowledge and skills to provide you with the ability to take a holistic approach to patient care.
  • 护理研究与循证实践: 随着新的研究技术上线, 你的研究技能包括方法论是很重要的, 设计和诠释是同步的.
  • 社区卫生护理: 重要的是不仅要有护理和治疗能力, 但推广和健康管理的实践技能也是如此.
  • 健康信息: You should have not just theoretical healthcare knowledge but also practical experience with a healthcare informatics infrastructure that includes HIPAA legislation and electronic health records.


  • 先进护理理论、实践与研究: Building on your current knowledge to increase your capacity to help prevent illness and treat chronic diseases. 
  • 实践管理: With the new range of job opportunities that will become available with an MSN degree, it will be helpful to have developed practice administration and critical thinking skills.
  • 教育技术: Be able to regularly evaluate research to improve clinical practice within your practice location. Also learn how to design educational programs and provide training to aspiring nurses or licensed staff. 
  • 领导技巧和策略: 学习基本策略, theories and leadership techniques to move beyond the clinical setting and focus on managing teams and providing strategic planning.
  • 健康信息: In order to deliver quality health care you will need to know how to collect, 管理, 分析和解释数据. With these skills you can support the goals of your healthcare practice organization.


2012年,有197,531人从注册护士项目毕业. 根据Lightcast™的数据,到2020年,这一数字激增至260,318. 在2020届毕业生中,只有7%的人选择攻读mba,而58%的人选择攻读mba.3%的人追求BSN.


有了MSN,你可以选择从事多种工作. 最受欢迎的四种是:

1. 护士顾问|平均年薪:88,688美元
Nurse consultants are independent contractors who identify problems and develop solutions for healthcare clients.

2. 研究护士|平均年薪:90,059美元 
Research nurses can use their clinical and data-collection skills to 管理 protocols in a clinical trial, while also making sure that patients understand their treatment options. 

3. 护理教育工作者|平均年薪:103500美元
护士教育工作者在社区大学工作, 医院, 或者是四年制大学开发的课程, 在临床环境中授课和观察学生.

4. 护士管理员|平均年薪:97,564美元
护士管理者领导护士团队, as well as oversee operational aspects for a department including budgeting, 人员配置和确保符合法规要求.

An RN with a BSN could find themselves working in similar areas to what they were doing, 但以不同的身份. 拥有BSN的注册护士最受欢迎的四个职位是:

1. 重症护理护士|平均年薪:80,400美元
的se nurses need to be fast-thinkers and strong multi-taskers as they will be providing care to patients in 医院, 护理设施和重症护理中心.的 Association of Critical Care Nurses (ACCN) estimates that just under 40% of nurses working in 医院 are critical care nurses.

2. 护理案例经理|平均年薪:88,028美元
A case 管理r is involved at patient care from a high level as they will oversee the patient care plan from their initial admission to a facility to their eventual discharge.

3. 儿科护士|平均年薪:75,400美元
This is an important role not just for the patients but their families as an RN in this position will not just provide care but be a counselor as they listen to parents concerns, 还有一名教育工作者帮助父母制定护理计划.

4. 护士长:平均年薪:93,205美元
的 charge nurse is the floor supervisor for all nurses working in a particular area. 的y are responsible for ensuring that all of the nurses on their floor have everything they need (from tactical supplies to support) to meet the needs of their patients.

RN-to-BSN:优点 & 帮助你做决定的缺点


  • According to Lightcast™ data, a BSN is the most prevalent degree called for in job postings for RNs. 
  • A BSN is becoming the minimum required degree that an RN is expected to hold in order to advance within an organization. 例如 many ANCC (American Nurses Credentialing Center) Magnet-designated 医院 now require a BSN to practice.
  • 也许你想在公共卫生部门工作,或者做一名护士教育工作者? 有了BSN,你可以扩展到病人教育. 


  • A BSN can be time-consuming and daunting, especially for a working nurse with other life obligations.
  • BSN将打开职业机会, 但如果你想进入教育行业, 管理, 或研究你将需要一个MSN.
  • 获得BSN可以是金钱、努力和情感的投资. If you are not prepared to make this investment or feel it will compromise your current role as a nurse, 对于你的特殊情况,这可能不是正确的选择.
  • 如果一个RN知道他们最终想要进入一个APRN角色, 这在BSN级别是不可能的,他们应该去读MSN.

RN-to-MSN:优点 & 帮助你做决定的缺点


  • 对持有MSN的注册护士的需求现在是,将来也会是. 美国.S. 美国劳工统计局预测 there will be a 45% increase in the number of nurses with an MSN who will be needed in 2030 compared to the number of active RN-MSN nurses in 2020.
  • By obtaining an MSN, the RN is open to more specialized care opportunities. 例如, if an RN knows they want to eventually land in an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) role an MSN is the only way to get there.
  • An MSN will provide an RN with the opportunity to achieve a higher base salary.


  • Van Winkle said one of the “cons” to consider is the cost of an advanced degree. “Some programs allow students to continue working while others do not. Working students earn an income; some healthcare facilities provide tuition assistance/reimbursement. Students may need to apply for student loans to help pay tuition and living costs. While there are some student loan repayment programs options, this is not a guarantee.”
  • Specialized studies take time, meaning it will take longer to earn an MSN than it would a BSN.
  • MSN项目通常更难进入. 大多数要求有一些实际护理经验和一定的平均绩点.

还是不确定? 问自己这5个问题

1. Would you like to teach others how to be competent, compassionate nurses?
如果答案是肯定的, an MSN is the necessary credential for teaching positions.

2. 时间是你做决定的一个因素吗?
如果答案是肯定的, pursuing a BSN may be a better option as it typically takes less time to achieve than an MSN.

3. 你的护理生涯才刚刚开始吗?
如果答案是肯定的,那么您可能需要首先获取BSN. You can gain needed experience and still obtain an MSN in the future if that fits with your career plans.

4. 您过去是否启动和停止过BSN程序?
如果答案是肯定的, you could return to a BSN program and build on your previous coursework to complete your degree. Or an accelerated MSN program may accept some of those course hour credits which would help you fast-track your way to an MSN degree.

5. Can you see yourself moving away from being a daily care provider and into a position where you could affect patient care from a “higher level?”
如果答案是肯定的, an MSN with a focus on administration will give you skills in strategic planning and leadership. If you are considering a career as an APRN, you will need an MSN degree at a minimum.


的 RN-to-BSN and RN-to-MSN are two very different paths but each can be highly rewarding and open new job opportunities. 的 first decision to make is which degree will help you achieve your goals. 的n you will need to decide which degree program will fit you and your life.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行 offers an RN-BSN, as well as an RN-MSN pathway. 十大正规赌博平台大全排行明白,对于许多注册护士来说, the decision to go back to school can be a stressful one as students create a new work/life/school balance so the class schedules have been created with working nurses in mind. 随着学生的学习, they can benefit from the experience of healthcare professionals and from a curriculum that has been informed by leading professional standards.

Are you ready to elevate your patient care while you accelerate your career with the rn - bsn和rn - msn学位途径 十大正规赌博平台大全排行提出的?

Find out how to take your nursing career further with advice from real nursing professionals.