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The fast-paced finance industry includes everything from banking 和一个sset 管理 to insurance, 风险资本, 私募股权. 2018年,这些行业加起来形成了7个.4%, or $1.5万亿美元的美国国债.S. 国内生产总值(GDP). 

As such a large part of our economy, the finance industry creates high demand for jobs. 它还促进了激烈的竞争.

对于受过正确培训和教育的人来说, 有许多有益的职业道路. 但是你真的需要一个金融学位才能成功吗?或者任何学位都可以? If you choose to pursue a degree in finance, how do you know which one is right? 这取决于你想要的职业——现在的还是长期的. 

本文将分析不同类型的金融学位和工作, 让你更容易决定一个金融学位是否值得.



There are multiple undergraduate degrees that fall under the category of finance. Many of these degrees have similar foundational business courses in areas like accounting, 商业法, 管理, 和经济学. 他们的不同之处在于他们的专业课程, 哪些课程允许在金融领域内进一步专业化. 


  • B.S. 财务规划: A degree in financial planning prepares you to help individuals and small businesses manage their assets and plan for their financial future. Professionals with a financial planning degree usually become personal financial planners who either holistically manage finances, 或者专攻某个领域,比如投资策略, 遗产规划, 退休储蓄, 医疗保健计划或收入计划.
  • B.S. 财务管理方面: A degree in financial 管理 prepares you to analyze the financial health of financial institutions and businesses, 帮助他们改善财务表现,提高盈利能力. Professionals with a financial 管理 degree focus in areas like financial analysis and forecasting, 项目组合管理, 现金管理, 国际金融, 风险管理. 
  • B.S. 会计:会计学位侧重于财务的责任方面, 教你财务报告的细节, 税收, 审计, 以及财务管理. 这个学位为你成为注册会计师做准备, which can work in any number of settings from corporate to government and private practice.

Knowing which career path is right for you is critical in getting the full value of a finance degree. If you want to focus your career on increasing the financial health of individuals, 公司或金融机构, 财务规划或管理学位可以为你的成功做好准备.


说到支付学费,助学金是你最好的选择之一. 但你知道怎么找到他们吗? 通过下载这个免费指南来消除猜测.



Finance is a high-stakes industry—individuals and corporations won’t trust their financial future to just anyone. 这就是为什么获得金融学位是非常有价值的. 以下是获得金融学位的五个真正好处:

  1. 掌握技能,让你为现实世界的工作责任做好准备. 不像一般的学位, 比如工商管理, 金融教你在数据分析等领域的需求技能, 风险管理, 资本配置, 投资策略. Through coursework you’ll also gain much needed soft skills like collaboration, 口头和书面沟通, 和适应性. 
  2. 为各种各样的雇主工作. A minimum of a bachelor’s degree is required for nearly all finance professions. 你是否想在华尔街工作, 美国证券交易委员会, 或者是财务规划咨询公司, a finance degree will give you the foundational knowledge you need to start your career. 
  3. 为获得专业证书做好准备. 大多数金融专业人士至少获得一项专业认证. 给理财规划师, 最常见的是注册财务规划师(CFP), 是什么为这些专业人员设定了很高的道德和技能标准. Financial 管理 professionals may choose to pursue a specialty area of expertise, like the Chartered 金融分析师 (CFA) certification or the Financial Risk Manager (FRM) certification. The right finance degree program will focus on topics that prepare you to pass these types of certifications.
  4. 为自己做一个经济上有回报的职业. In 2019, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) reported that the average starting salary for finance majors was $58,464, 而管理, 董事和高管职位轻松超过六位数. 
  5. 加入一个期望稳定增长的热门行业. 根据美国劳工统计局, employment of all business and financial operations occupations is projected to grow 7% percent by 2028, 高于所有职业的平均水平, 加起来大约591,新增800个工作岗位.



随着金融业的发展, 技术进步,监管空间变得更加复杂, 金融工作的种类越来越多. Let’s look at some of the most promising career paths for finance degree holders.


信贷员评估, authorize and recommend approval of loan applications for individuals and businesses. They collect and verify all required financial documents and evaluate the information they obtain to determine the applicant’s need for a loan and their ability to pay back the loan.


Personal financial advisors help individuals manage their finances and plan for their financial future. 他们为从投资到管理的一切提供建议, 从保险和抵押贷款到大学储蓄, 房地产计划, 和退休.


Financial examiners ensure financial institutions are in compliance with the laws governing them. 他们审查资产负债表, 评估贷款的风险水平, 和一个ssess bank 管理 to make sure risk is properly managed and borrowers are being treated fairly.


Financial analysts evaluate investment opportunities for businesses and individuals, 帮助评估股票的表现, 债券, 以及其他类型的投资. They usually specialize in a specific industry, geographical region, or type of product.


财务经理创建财务报告, 管理投资活动, and develop strategies for the long-term financial goals of their organization. 随着科技的进步, financial managers now focus most of their time on data analysis to advise 管理 on ways to maximize profits.


十大正规赌博平台大全排行:金融领域的顶级职业 .png

Getting your finance degree isn’t easy—it takes time, dedication and hard work. 但获得学位只是第一步. Here are three things you need to know about differentiating yourself from the competition:

  1. 最好的学习方法就是实践. 金融是一门细致的专业. 当你学习新概念的时候, make sure you’re taking advantage of the latest tools 和一个pplying what you learn to real scenarios. 
  2. 不要忽视大局. 人们很容易把注意力集中在通过课程上, but part of the finance profession is understanding the world in which financial institutions operate. 保持好奇心,随时关注新闻, 政治和全球经济每天都在影响着企业.
  3. 把你的学习带到现实世界中去. 加入一个专业组织, 与其他金融专业人士建立联系, 找一个能告诉你在金融行业工作是什么样子的导师. 在攻读学位的过程中,你可以获得更多的经验, 就越容易开始你的职业生涯.

还记得, 金融业竞争激烈, 所以你应该尽你所能让自己与众不同. Keeping these things in mind as your complete your degree will help you become a well-rounded professional with job-ready skills.


Now that you know what it takes, are you ready to start or advance your career in finance? 然后你需要找到合适的金融项目. 如果你是一个在职的专业人士,想要获得金融学位, 你需要一个灵活的, 在线课程将教你最新的技能, 不要暂停你的事业.

十大正规赌博平台大全排行 provides two different finance degrees for the industry’s most popular career paths—a B.S. 财务规划 和一个 B.S. 财务管理. Explore our programs and see how these degrees can help you accomplish your career goals.
