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7 Big College 转移信用 Questions You Must Ask

If you’re going back to school while balancing a career and family, chances are strong that you’re looking for ways to fast-track your education. 一种重要的方式是通过转换以前的学分或经验.

But what can you get transfer credit for? 你能得到多少?

Those answers vary wildly by institution. In most cases, there are no black-and-white answers that apply universally. 如果你正纠结于在课程之间做出选择,这实际上可能是个好消息, 找到一个拥有最慷慨(和最可信)转移支付政策的项目,可能是一个区别.

Here are the most important questions to ask your target schools.


答: 这取决于.

许多传统的研究生院不给在其他地方完成部分学位的学生颁发转学分. 他们经常引用学术严谨性和制度标准作为他们的理由.

然而, there are innovative programs that accept previous graduate work and award transfer credit. 在这些项目中, 他们通常会寻找学分的相关性——你完成的工作中有多少与你在他们的项目中学习的课程有直接的应用或重要的相关性.

这意味着,即使你的课程作业可能与你申请的项目的课程并不完全1:1匹配, 如果你的课程有很高的相关性分数,你仍然可以获得转学分.


答: 也许.

许多地区认可的项目不接受在国家认可的机构完成的工作的学分. 这是因为区域认证通常需要更严格的学术严谨性才能实现. 程序s that are nationally accredited lean more toward technical, 职业或远程学习模式——可以被学术机构视为不可转移的模式.

然而, 一些地区认可的项目明白,在这些项目中获得的经验是有价值的,可以移植到他们的项目中. 这些项目将审查课程描述和教学大纲,以确定这些经历与申请人的项目有多大的相关性.


Question 3: Can I get transfer credit for a course I had a “D” in?

答: 这取决于.

答案很可能由该机构的地区或国家理事机构决定. 目前,有几个理事机构采用D职系转授的办法.

例如, 俄亥俄州高等教育部门和转学咨询委员会在2005年发布了一项关于D级转学的政策. That policy states that “as of Fall 2005, 俄亥俄州公立高等教育机构接受并申请所有D或以上的转学课程,就像该机构根据接收机构的商业规则和学术政策接受和申请本地学生一样. These business rules and policies may include, 但不限于, such areas as effective course dates, 课程年龄, requirements of a particular major or program, and eligibility” (俄亥俄州 Department of Higher 教育, 附录D).

然而, there are still holdouts. 你的程序在哪里, the governing body they are held accountable to, and the institution’s own standards may all play a role.


加快你的完成时间,降低你在每个学术水平的总学费. Download this free guide for tips on maximizing your transfer credit.


问题4:我在军队服役期间所完成的训练可以获得学分吗, even if I am no longer in active service?

答: 有时.

许多学校试图通过慷慨的转学分机会来纪念服役人员做出的许多牺牲. 你的训练和军事证书很可能可以转移到大学学位课程中. 例如,十大正规赌博平台大全排行 accepts military training toward bachelor’s degrees. To figure out what the requirements might be, simply ask the registrar at your preferred institution for details.

Question 5: Can I appeal a transfer decision that’s been made?

答: 是的.

大多数学校都有一个转学委员会,这是一群共同审查转学学分决定的个人. If you feel that your previous experience or coursework should transfer, but the judgement didn’t fall your way, you may be able to issue an appeal through the registrar’s office.

大多数时候, 这个过程是通过向董事会或学生事务办公室提出书面上诉来启动的. 经常, the school has a specific amount of time (in most cases, 30 days) to validate or overturn the decision. 如果决定有效,学生可以在更高的级别上诉.

这个故事的寓意? If your transfer credit isn’t accepted, take action to validate the decision.

Question 6: Can I transfer STEM credits that are older than 10 years?

答: No.

课程作业/课程要求经常变化的科目, such as STEM classes or computer science, might not be easily transferable—especially if they are dated. For later-in-life students looking to go back to school, 你很有可能需要再次参加这些类型的课程来获得学位.

然而, 通识教育学分, 比如人文课, 通常会转移, 由于这些课程可以被视为“常青树”,并且在各个学校之间往往是相同的.

Question 7: Who evaluates credit transfers, and how do they do it?

答: The office of the registrar handles credit transfer decisions. They typically evaluate previous coursework via an algorithm, 公式, or scoring sheet to determine if transfer credit should be awarded.

它是如何工作的?? 通常, 申请学生将向注册办公室提交以前研究生工作的成绩单和课程大纲. 注册主任将仔细审查这些文件,以评估课程作业与学生申请的课程的相关性, and determine the success of the student within those courses.

Although the credit transfer process is somewhat complicated, 问自己和别人正确的问题会帮助你找到最适合你的项目. 尽早与目标学校的招生人员建立关系, 得到尽可能多的答案, 坚持不懈.

Remember: it’s in your best interest to transfer as many credits as you can, 所以你可以省钱, and graduate as quickly as possible.

Maximizing Your College 转移信用
Learn the five things you need to know, 在每个学术水平上, 充分利用你的转学学分——包括技术/社区学院和军事训练的学分.